Management Committee

The primary body charged with governing the TSA is the management committee, made up of twelve elected members and three appointed ‘honorary trustees’. Current members of the MC can be found here.

Elections to the management committee are held on an annual basis, whereby four members are elected for a period of three years. Any TSA member may put themselves forward for election to the management committee and all members are entitled to vote in the elections.

As a registered charity all members of the management committee automatically become trustees of the TSA. The committee meets at the annual conference and corresponds via email throughout the year. The management committee is supplemented by a series of subcommittees focused on specific activities of the association.


Within the management committee there are four officers responsible for the day-to-day running of the association: a Chair, Vice-Chair, Secretary and Treasurer. Elections for the officer roles take place every three years. 

Any TSA member may put themselves forward for election to the officer roles and all members are entitled to vote in the elections. On election, officers automatically become members of the management committee and trustees of the TSA.

For full details of the TSA system of governance and elections, see the TSA Constitution.

The current system of TSA elections was agreed at the annual general meeting held in Plymouth in July 2016. At that meeting a timetable to introduce the new system of elections was also agreed. Details of the timetable can be found here


annual general meeting

The TSA holds its AGM at its annual conference. This is an opportunity for all TSA members to participate in the running of the Association. As well as updates from TSA Officers and the JTS Editor, the AGM takes votes on issues such as changes to the TSA Constitution.