Wednesday 5 july, 4-5.30pm

Panel 7D: Transatlantic Connections Across the Centuries (Online Panel)

Chair: Thomas Mills, Lancaster University

Roraima Estaba Amaiz, Complutense University of Madrid, “The Black Delta: Territory and legacy of Black Atlantic Slavery in the Rio de la Plata estuary”

Giuseppe Polise, University of L'Aquila, ““The Category is...Black Atlantic Realness”: Ballrooms’ queer display and displacement of (African)American History”

Luke Thrumble, University of Nottingham, “From ‘the end of history’ to ‘the New World Order’: Developing the intellectual history of the end of the Cold War”

Mark Meirowitz, Suny Maritime College, “Turkey after the Elections: Challenges and prospects in domestic and foreign policy and Turkey's Relations with the World”