Registration for the TSA 2024 annual conference at Lancaster University is now open. Conference packages and the conference dinner can be purchased below. You can purchase individual items separately, or all at once. Once you have selected your first item, a shopping cart will appear in the top right corner of the page. You can add more items as you wish, and then proceed to checkout by clicking on the cart. You will be prompted to complete separate booking forms for both the conference package and the conference dinner.

Please note all prices are listed in UK sterling.

For information, conference proceedings will begin (with a plenary roundtable session, followed by the first keynote lecture) at approximately 3.30pm on Monday 8 July. The conference will conclude with the panel session ending at approximately 5.30pm on Wednesday 5 July, followed by the conference dinner at the Midland Hotel.

Important Dates

  • The deadline for booking all conference packages is Monday 24 June 2024 (note: no refunds will be offered for cancellations of conference packages after this date as costs will be incurred by TSA). Delegates presenting at the conference must be registered by 24 June in order to be listed in the conference programme. Contact the conference organisers directly if you are unable to register by the deadline.

Lancaster Conference Packages
from £45.00

Excluding the day rates, all conference packages include: conference registration, lunch, refreshments, subscription to the Journal of Transatlantic Studies (JTS) for 2025, and TSA membership for 2024-25.

Lancaster Conference Dinner
from £40.00

The conference dinner will take place at the Midland Hotel, Morecambe, on the evening of Wednesday 10 July. The price includes a pre-dinner drinks reception, three-course dinner with wine and coffee, and transport to and from Lancaster University campus.

A limited number of places are reserved at a ‘student / unwaged’ rate of £40 on a ‘first-come-first-served’ basis.

There are a limited number of places available for the conference dinner and once they are all sold we will not be able to accommodate additional guests.